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School Rules
School Rules
- The School Almanac should be brought to the School every day.
- Students who come to the School by private arrangement should arrive at the School at least ten minutes prior to the assembly.
- Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The School uniform must be worn on all working days.
- Girls should not apply nail polish or ‘mehndi’ when the School is in session. Nails are to be kept trimmed.
- It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the School. Girls can wear very small studs or earrings in either gold or silver.
- The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly on all belongings of the student.
- Lending or borrowing money or other articles is not permitted.
- The school is not responsible for lost goods. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, fountain pens, items of jewellery) or expensive gadgets to school.
- Changing classrooms between periods, wherever necessary, should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
- Care must be taken of the School property and no student should deface spoil or damage any School property. Damage should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Section Co-ordinator which will have to be compensated by the parents of the student(s) concerned.
- The School reserves the right to suspend / expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the School.
- Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendor outside the School premises.
- Students are allowed to carry up to Rs.100/-(juniors) & Rs.150/- (seniors) to buy refreshments from the cafeteria. The children need not carry water bottles since the school provides treated drinking water. For reasons of safety and security, bringing tiffin-boxes into the School Campus after classes begin, through drivers or domestic help, will not be permitted.
- Each student should have 2 identity cards. One has to be worn by the child daily and the other is to be kept with the parents. Those who escort the children home from the school/ bus stop must always bring the School Identity Card for identification. Students not are allowed to use the School telephone without the permission of the Principal. They will not be called to answer phone calls during class hours.
- A Student who fails twice in three years will not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the School.
- Parents are requested not to visit their wards in the classrooms without the permission of the Principal. You are encouraged to communicate with the teachers through the Almanac or email on a regular basis to monitor the performance of your ward. Request for meeting teachers on School days other than on PTM days, will not normally be entertained. Prior approval of the Principal must be obtained in case the necessity arises.
- Appointment with Dentists / Doctors or others should, as far as possible, be avoided during School hours. Such requests for early leave will not normally be entertained.
- Contacting any Staff Member on matters not related to the School is not appreciated.
- The school reserves the right to suspend students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to othetr students.
- Use of plastics and poly bags is strictly prohibited in the school. Students should not use them for any purpose. They should remember that DWPS campus is plastic free zone.
- Consumptin of addictive substances is strictly prohibited in the school campus.

Code of Conduct for Students:
- Students are not allowed to come by two wheelers/ four wheelers at any cost.
- Hair styles and shaving should be appropriate for boys.
- Low waist, narrow fittings trousers of school uniform are strictly not allowed. No tampering with the school uniform.
- Low waist skirts, pony hair style, nail polish, mehendi, long nails are strictly not allowed for girls.
- If any student is found with mobile or camera or any electronic gadget, it will be seized and shall not be returned.
- Students found with objectionable items (drugs, any form of alcohol, tobacco, etc.) will be terminated from the school.
- Students are not allowed to wear smart watches/ rings/ chains/ studs and karas in the school. Only Sikh students are allowed to wear karas.
- Class out pass is mandatory for going out from the class, while the period is going on.
- Damage of any piece of furniture/ switchboard or any other article of use is the classroom/school will result in the whole classroom being fined for damage caused.
- Students are not allowed to skip the morning assembly.
- Students must be punctual in attending assembly, reaching activity class, returning from activity classes, House meeting, completion and submission of CW & HW, assignment to teachers and all other activities of the school.
- Students must speak in English all the time in the school campus.
School Transport:
Students can avail the school transport subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the buses are drawn up and the parents should consult School Transport Incharge for necessary details.
Bus Rules:
- All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stops atleast 5 minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
- The bus will not wait for the latecomers.
- The children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
- No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless the bus stops completely.
- All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding the bus.
- The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
- The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless directed by the Transport Incharge. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to change, as and when there is genuine need.
- When the bus is in motion, students must not move around in the bus and no part of their body should be projecting outside the bus.
- Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
- No student is allowed to eat in the bus.
- Unruly behaviour like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited, Courteous behaviour is expected at all times.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage to be caused by negligence or vandalism.
- The attendant / escort for your child at the bus stop should be fixed and identifiable by your child.
- Students shall not be permitted to deboard their school bus at any stoppage except at their regular stop, unless written permission to do otherwise has been received by the School Authorities.
Absence Rules:
- Repeated absence without leave or unexpected absence for more than 6 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck of the roll.
- In case a student remains absent without serious cause, the school may take any sort of action which it deems fit.
- All children must attend school on the opening day after each vacation. Those absent because of sickness must present a gnuine medical certificate before they are admitted to class.
- It is compulsory for the students to complete 85% of their attendance in the year to be eligible to take their final examination.
- Children re-joining school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate.
- Students suffering from anyone of the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class:
- Chickenpox: Till complete falling of the scars
- Cholera: Till the child is completely well
- Measles: Two weeks after the rash disappears
- Mumps: Until the swelling has gone
- Whooping Cough: Six weeks
- Jaundice: Six weeks
- Conjuctivities: One week
- No leave would be sanctioned without proper application signed by parents.
- Disciplinary action will be taken against habitual late comers.
Library Rules:
- Books will be issued to the students of classes III to XI for a period of one week.
- No book is issued unless pending items are returned.
- Strict silence must be maintained in the library.
- Reference books are not issued but can be consulted within the library premises.
- Books marked, disfigured or damaged will have to be replaced by the borrower or a payment of twice the cost price of the book is to be made.

School Infirmary: The school infirmary is looked after by a full time doctor and a qualified nurse. Meducal check-up of students will be regularly carried out and records will be maintained. If the doctor is of the opinion that a child needs special medical attention, the parents will be informed immediately.
Student’s Corner:
If I have
An academic issue
A social and emotional issue
To submit leave application
To leave school early
Come late in the morning
After school activities question
If I want to
Ask for excused absence
Know how many holidays in school I’ll get
Leave school because I am feeling sick
Whom do I see?
Concerned teacher/ Academic Co-Ordinator
Class teacher/ Vice-Principal
Class teacher
Class teacher
Inform at office
Concerned teachers
Whom do I see?
Class teacher
See Academic Calendar
Class Teacher